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Bible Studies

     One of CAM's primary goals is “an inward focus for its participants”. We are not only a humanitarian group, but we also feel it is important to truly understand what the Bible is saying, and recognize how to walk the truth in everyday life. We emphasize the importance of loving people in the way Christ loved others when He walked on the earth. In order to better comprehend the true meaning of The Word and Christ’s unfailing love, we offer an adult-led, in-depth Bible study during the school year. These are informal studies, hosted at 819 Terrace Place in Norman, where attendees can ask questions, get clarification, and be challenged to do their own personal studies. All ages are welcome to join our studies. We have had students as young as 11 years, and as “old” as 60+ join us. 


Monthly Projects

    Another goal of CAM is an “outward focus to our community”. Our theme is centered around the phrase "Putting Skin on the Gospel". We desire to build enthusiasm within our community and to expose people to a wide range of volunteer opportunities. September through May. These projects help many, including widows, hospice patients, other non-profit agencies, etc.  During the projects, participants benefit from a devotion led by a member of our Youth Advisory Council (YAC).


     Most of our projects include youth in the sixth grade or older; however, depending on the job site, younger volunteers are allowed with a parent/guardian accompanying them. We do require a Parental Consent Form to be on file for all participants under the age of 18, and anyone 18 years of age or older must complete an Adult Volunteer Form; a background check is completed on each adult form submitted. 


Requirement Checklist:


     - In 6th grade or older

     - Signed Parental Consent Form (under 18)


       Completed Adult Volunteer Form (18 or older)

      - Deadline to sign up is the Monday before the event

       Contact Donna Hooper, Executive Director, for more information or to sign up. 

          Email:d Donna.Hooper@cam-inc.net

          Phone: (405) 329-8041

Summer CAMps

     CAM hosts FREE, local summer mission camps. The CAMps allow young people of any background to serve their community, fellowship, and worship God together. A signed Parental Consent Form must be submitted for all participants under age 18. Anyone 18 years of age or older must complete an Adult Volunteer Form. For a suggested packing list, check out Items to Bring to CAMp.


     At the CAMps, participants combine the type of work done on a foreign mission trip with the immediacy of working in their own community. The CAMps bring together youth and adults from many different denominations to serve God in unity. During the CAMps, we stay at churches who generously open their doors to our ministry. Each morning and evening the Youth Advisory Council coordinates and leads a worship time and Bible study. During the day we do everything from cleaning toilets and mowing lawns for hospice patients to boxing food for the Oklahoma City Food Bank, to entertaining at nursing homes and facilities for individuals with physical or intellectual disabilities.


Requirement Checklist:


     - Going into the 7th grade or older

     - Signed Parental Consent Form (under 18)


       Completed Adult Volunteer Form (18 or older)

     - Materials listed in the Items to Bring

     - Deadline to apply is 4 weeks before the start of the CAMp

       Contact Donna Hooper, Executive Director, for more information or to sign up. 

          Email: Donna.Hooper@cam-inc.net

          Phone: (405) 329-8041


     In the past, some have wanted to know the cost of the CAMps. They are FREE, however we have a suggested love offering of $60.00 to help with the expenses of the CAMps. Please visit the Giving page to learn how you can give.

Community Action Ministries
819 Terrace Pl
Norman, OK 73069
(405) 887-1787

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